Tuesday 15 October 2013

Thank you Client SAT

Being in the middle of the Outback, particularly in the Nullarbor region will see me completely out of touch with the outside world. This has been a long standing concern of mine for one particular reason. As I've said many times, it's imperative that I'm able to take people on the journey, virtually, with me. This is, of course, done via the blog, Twitter, Facebook, Real Radio and various other radio and TV stations. Not being able to communicate via those channels is a concern that has now been completely eradicated thanks to a company in Perth called Client SAT who are renting me a Satellite phone.

Client SAT have given me the phone at a tiny fraction of it's normal hire cost. Previously, my already tight budget couldn't possibly have afforded one. So a huge thank you must go to Rob Martin, a Satellite Phone Broker for Client SAT, for arranging this deal. You can see the type of phone I'll be using on Client SAT's website here.

The phone will allow me to speak to the outside world, no matter where I may be. I can also update Twitter which, in turn, automatically updates my Facebook page. In short, I will always be able to keep people updated with my progress from anywhere in Australia. Anywhere!

Thanks again to Rob at Client Sat who had the following to say about the phone and how it works.